Asbestos Surveys for Care Homes

Asbestos Surveys for Care Homes

Effective and Safe Asbestos Surveys For Care Homes

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    Compliant Asbestos Surveys for Care Homes

    As such an important component of the care system in the UK, care homes provide those in need with accommodation, support and attentiveness. Therefore, it is vital that care home buildings are sustained to the highest standard possible. Care homes that were built or refurbished before or during the 1960s may still possess asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), which could potentially pose serious health risks if left in a poor condition without any treatment.

    Our specialist asbestos consultants have over 35 years of combined industry experience dealing with both domestic and commercial properties. This is why we can help you stay compliant with the latest Health and Safety Executive (HSE) legislation. For example, keeping in line with The Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) 2012, a crucial aspect of asbestos management is ensuring the risk is addressed by the building’s duty holder – for the health and safety of not only the staff, but the care home residents too. Here at Pillars Environmental, we help keep the people who use your building safe, as well as support you in remaining compliant with health and safety regulations – saving you from costly fines or, in more extreme cases, imprisonment.

    Providing a tailored package of asbestos services to each customer, we carry out four types of asbestos surveys for care homes across England, including: Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys (R&D), Asbestos Management Surveys (AMS), Asbestos Removal Management and Asbestos Re-Inspections.






    Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys For Care Homes

    If your care home is planning, or currently undergoing, refurbishment or renovation, Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys (or R&D surveys, previously known as Type 3 asbestos surveys) are needed. R&D surveys utilise a more invasive testing method than asbestos sampling for example, as refurbishment is generally planned for older buildings, which have a higher potential of containing ACMs. This process involves all areas of the property to be assessed, meaning floors, walls and ceilings will be surveyed.

    To guarantee complete compliance with HSE regulations, it is vital that all staff, inhabitants and visitors are vacated from the building during the R&D survey. As a 100% compliant asbestos survey company, we will only ever extract samples according to The HSG264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide. Once the samples have been sent to and tested at a professional laboratory, we will be able to confirm the presence of any ACMs within your property and begin planning the next steps with you, should any course of action need to be taken.

    “It is the duty holder’s responsibility to assess the presence, amount, location and condition of any ACMs present within their property. Such properties include all industrial, commercial or public buildings such as factories, museums, warehouses, shops, hospitals and schools.”

    Asbestos Management Surveys For Care Homes

    Utilising a much less invasive sampling method, Asbestos Management Surveys (AMS) (formerly regarded as Type 2 asbestos surveys) can still be carried out whilst staff, inhabitants and visitors are located on the premises of your care home.

    Our friendly and respectful team will only survey areas that cause the least amount of disruption to the care home staff and residents as possible – aiming to only collect samples in empty or unoccupied rooms. Our asbestos consultants can then appropriately advise you on how to best manage any ACMs in your care home, either through an Asbestos Management Plan or Asbestos Removal Management.




    Asbestos Removal Management Surveys For Care Homes

    Asbestos Removal Management can be a complex and time-consuming process. This is where we can help you. If one of our compliant asbestos surveys has detected the presence of ACMs in your care home, the most important next step is to remove the asbestos. That’s why it is recommended by the HSE, that only fully trained and experienced asbestos specialists safely and efficiently manage the ACMs found on your premises.

    Given our detailed knowledge of UK health and safety law, we will help you understand the more complicated aspects of asbestos regulations and what your obligations are as a duty holder – advising you on the best course of action to take.

    Asbestos Re-Inspection Surveys For Care Homes

    In some cases, ACMs that are in a reasonable condition are safe to be left in situ, with regular compliance checks carried out. This is where our Asbestos Re-Inspection services come in. At Pillars Environmental, we recognise that health and safety rules are constantly updated, which can become tricky for the designated duty holder. This is how our asbestos re-inspection surveys offer you peace of mind, as well as complete compliance with important health and safety legislation surrounding asbestos.

    Often part of an Asbestos Management Plan, asbestos re-inspection services are advised as a point of action to assess any ACMs that have been left in situ at your care home. This is particularly important for care homes that were built either during or before the 1960s, as the process allows us to check the status of the ACMs, and whether their condition has deteriorated since their last inspection – which could have been a long time ago, depending on the age of the building.


    Asbestos Surveys For Care Homes FAQs

    Where is asbestos commonly found in care homes?

    According to the HSE, there are several common locations for asbestos to be found in care homes, including but not limited to:

      • Ceilings
      • Floor cavities
      • Sprayed ceiling and wall coatings
      • Asbestos insulation boards
      • Floor tiles
      • Textured coatings
      • Roofing felt

    How long will an asbestos survey take?

    Depending on which one of our asbestos services you choose to undertake, the length of the processes will differ. Additionally, if your care home is an older building, there may be more areas that require sampling than a newer building, and ACMs left in situ that require re-inspections in order to assess their condition and potential to cause harm.

    What is the cost of an asbestos survey?

    The cost of an asbestos survey can also vary significantly depending on the individual requirements of your specific care home location(s), including: the location of suspected ACMs, any specialist equipment needed, etc.

    For a better idea, get in touch with us today for a free quote.

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