Asbestos Management Surveys


Efficient and reliable assessment of your asbestos risk.

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    What Is An Asbestos Management Survey?

    At Pillars Environmental, the Asbestos Management Survey is one of two asbestos surveys our expert team offers, previously known as a Type 2 Survey.

    The UK law positions the legal responsibility upon all building managers and owners to identify and assess the asbestos status within their premises. In line with the HSG 264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide, an Asbestos Management Survey is one of two asbestos surveys to appropriately assess your property’s risk of asbestos.

    The primary purpose of an Asbestos Management Survey is to locate any Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs) within a building, which could be disturbed during its normal occupancy. In comparison to the more visual and intrusive methods used during Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys, this survey opts for a more modest approach, such as accessing dry risers, or removing ceiling tiles for example.

    As the building in question will most likely remain occupied throughout the undertaking of the Asbestos Management Survey, samples will only be collected where practically possible to reduce the disturbance to occupants. This could include empty or simply unoccupied areas. The samples taken will always be compliant with any site-specific health and safety measures and wider safety measures from legislation.



    The Process Of An Asbestos Management Survey

    The main aim of undertaking an Asbestos Management Survey is to firstly locate any ACMs within a property before further action is taken.

    After the ACMs have been identified, the Pillars Environmental asbestos consultants will send the ACM samples to an independent UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited lab to see if they do contain asbestos fibres. If asbestos is present, this test will also help to determine the product type and deterioration, asbestos type within the product and surface treatment (e.g. painted). From here, our specialised team can continue with the survey and can advise on the next course of action – including any areas or materials which require urgent attention.

    Not only is the initial Asbestos Management Survey incredibly important for the well-being of your building’s occupants, you also need to consider future regular re-inspections in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations. To remain compliant with these regulations, an Asbestos Management Plan must be put in place. It is the legal responsibility of the Duty Holder to uphold the requirements of the Asbestos Management Plan to ensure the safe and compliant monitoring of asbestos.

    The main function of an Asbestos Management Survey is to find any Asbestos-Containing Materials within a premises, which may be disturbed during its regular occupancy

    Legalities Of An Asbestos Management Survey

    According to the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (section 4), there is a “legal duty to manage the risk from asbestos in non-domestic premises”.These premises include, but are not limited to: shops, offices, hospitals or schools. Also applying to multi-occupancy premises such as flats, the regulations go on to state that this legal duty to manage can be achieved through an asbestos survey. If your property was built after 2000, the risk of ACMs being identified is greatly reduced, however not completely obsolete. You can read more on the legal obligations surrounding asbestos here.

    To ensure you are complying with legal requirements and regulations, the best option is to get into contact with our knowledgeable team. Each of our asbestos surveying teams are highly experienced, having achieved industry-recognised qualifications, such as the BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene Society) proficiency certificate in surveying and sampling strategies for asbestos in buildings. Over the years, our teams have demonstrated that through practical assessment, they are thoroughly proficient in occupational hygiene. They would like to assist you when dealing with this tricky process, so send over information and details from your site and we can offer a competitive quote for work.

    When you contract Pillars Environmental Asbestos Consultants, we will provide you with the necessary paperwork to meet all your legal requirements when it comes to asbestos.




    Do you want to know more about Asbestos Management Surveys?

    We proudly hold the Acclaim Accreditation and Construction Line Accreditation for health and safety and quality services. We always ensure our asbestos surveys are completed to the best standard to help Duty Holders such as managers and building owners remain fully compliant in their duties to manage their building’s asbestos risk. 

    If you would like a free quote for an asbestos management survey, contact us today. and view some of our past projects in our case studies portfolio here.

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