Commercial asbestos surveys


Thorough and effective asbestos surveys for commercial properties. 

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    Efficient, Reliable & Thorough Commercial Asbestos Surveys

    For all commercial properties built before 2000 in the UK, it is a legal requirement to carry out a commercial asbestos survey.

    Whether for general occupancy, refurbishments or demolition of your commercial property, you must have the relevant commercial asbestos survey undertaken and in place. If you don’t, the UK Government states that you could face fines of up to £20,000 or even imprisonment for up to 12 months. As the dutyholder, whether that be a landlord, building owner or building manager, it is your responsibility to manage the risk of asbestos in your property (or future property if you are looking to purchase) in order to help protect those who may come into contact with any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

    Pillars Environmental asbestos consultants carry out two types of asbestos surveys for commercial properties: Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys and Asbestos Management Surveys. Whether you’re a dutyholder for an office block, hotel, retail store, restaurant, hospital, educational facility, warehouse, industrial unit and more, the best way to asess your asbestos risk compliantly is with a professional asbestos surveying company.




    Commercial Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Survey

    As the name suggests, the Refurbishment and Demolition asbestos survey (formally known as a Type 3 asbestos survey) occurs when refurbishments, maintenance or demolition (be it a full demolition or partial) works are due to be taken out on a commercial property. As with all buildings in the UK, any properties that were constructed pre-2000 could contain ACMs and therefore identifying these and managing them correctly is crucial.

    During a commercial Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Survey, our team would undertake both visual and intrusive examinations of any suspected ACMs. Any samples taken are sent off to a UKAS-accredited laboratory for testing. A commercial R&D survey requires full access to the areas to be surveyed and, due to the intrusive nature of the inspection, areas must be unoccupied before the survey commences. If access cannot be granted, it would be assumed asbestos is present until access can be gained and inspected.

    "...It is for the duty holder to take reasonable steps to find out if there are materials containing asbestos in non-domestic premises, and if so, its amount, where it is and what condition it is it..."

    The Health and Safety Executive

    Commercial Asbestos Management Survey

    A Commercial Asbestos Management Survey (formally known as a Type 2 asbestos survey) is less intrusive than the aforementioned R&D survey and therefore can take place on buildings during the normal occupation. Here, our team takes discrete samples from the suspected ACMs, for example within suspected ceiling voids, alongside in-depth visual inspections. There is no damage created within the property with a commercial asbestos survey due to these less intrusive techniques, leaving buildings aesthetically the same as before the survey. This makes them the suitable choice for commercial properties such as hotels, flats, apartments or hospitals.




    Commercial Re-Inspection Surveys

    If your commercial property does indeed posses asbestos-containing materials in a satisfactory overall condition, you may be advised to have frequent checks undertaken to ensure their condition does not deteriorate. This may be case as detailed in an Asbestos Management Plan, which will likely suggest asbestos re-inspections as the best solution for your commercial property.

    We can conduct regular re-inspections to ensure your compliance with important health and safety regulations, helping to keep your employees and visitors safe. 

    The Cost of a Commerical Asbestos Survey

    The cost of your commercial asbestos survey will vary depending on the size of your property. The larger your property, naturally, the longer it will take for the survey to be undertaken, more staff may be required and specialised equipment may need to be brought in to access hard-to-reach areas.

    For an accurate and competitive costing, get in touch with our asbestos estimators today for your free, bespoke quotation. Our team can take into account your specific project requirement and suggest an upfront quote for asbestos surveying. We also offer domestic asbestos surveys if that is more suited to your needs. We can help you meet your responsibilities as a commercial property duty holder and remain legally compliant throughout the process. Our asbestos experts also offer asbestos removal management services and can create in-depth and compliant asbestos management plans for your commercial property.

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    We undertake Asbestos Management Surveys and Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys, both of which are HSG264-compliant…


    Our Asbestos Management Plans detail how you can manage asbestos in your property, in line with legislation…


    We can oversee Asbestos Removal projects to ensure a thorough, safe and compliant job is being undertaken…