Pre-Purchase Asbestos Surveys

Pre-Purchase Asbestos Surveys

Reliable and Efficient Pre-Purchase Asbestos Surveys For Property Buyers

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    Professional, Efficient and Reliable Pre-Purchase Asbestos Surveys

    Before you go through with the purchase of a property, it is necessary to have a pre-purchase asbestos survey undertaken by licensed professionals to mitigate the risk of asbestos exposure.

    If you are thinking of purchasing a domestic property or commercial property which was built before 1999, then a pre-purchase asbestos survey may be required to investigate the risk of asbestos exposure within the prospective property. The chance of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) being present in properties which have been built after 1999 are narrowed, but their threat cannot be fully eradicated. So much so that each year, around 4,500 people in the UK die from asbestos-related illnesses according to the Health and Safety Executive. In both instances, pre-purchase asbestos surveys may be required based on the future plans for your property. 

    At Pillars Environmental, we offer two main types of asbestos surveys which are recommended for domestic and commercial properties: a Refurbishment and Demolition Survey (R&D) and an Asbestos Management Survey (AMS).






    Pre-Purchase Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys

    Previously called a Type 3 asbestos survey within the construction industry, Refurbishment and Demolition surveys are required when full or partial refurbishment and demolition works are due to take place. If you are planning on full or partial demolitions of the existing property in the future, this is where an R&D survey would be required. Works such as extensions, loft conversions, basements, modifying internal walls and so on will all need to be considered when deciding on the type of survey. Due to the popularity of asbestos as a building material, the identification and management of the ACMs is vital before the commencement of any destructive works undertaken on your domestic or commercial property. 

    During the pre-purchase Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys, our licensed asbestos consultants would carry out intrusive visual inspections of any suspected ACMs in line with the regulations defined by the HSG264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide. When samples are extracted during this time, they would be sent on to a UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Services) lab for further examination. During a Pre-purchase R&D survey, we need to have access at all times, meaning evacuation is necessary before the survey is due to begin because of the intrusive nature of testing. 

    If complete access is not possible within the property, we would make the assumption that asbestos is present in that area.

    The Pillars Environmental team can investigate any asbestos-containing materials within your prospective property in a safe and compliant manner.

    Pre-Purchase Asbestos Management Surveys

    Compared with the R&D surveys, an Asbestos Management Survey (formally known as a Type 2 survey) is a much less intrusive form of inspection and typically a more popular type of survey for buyers who do not yet own the property. Because it is less invasive, the property can remain occupied whilst the AMS survey is undertaken.

    During this survey, our certified asbestos surveyors will carefully extract small samples from the suspected ACMs, alongside undertaking in-depth visual inspections. In addition, no damage is made to your prospective property, hence why it is a suitable choice for pre-purchase purposes. Once the results have been received, we can then advise you on the best course of action moving forward, whether that be with the help of an Asbestos Management Plan or our asbestos removal management services.




    Asbestos Re-Inspection Surveys

    If, after you have purchased the property, you find that you need to investigate the condition of any existing ACMs, then we can provide an asbestos re-inspection service. If the materials are in good condition, it may be advised that they remain in situ but are checked upon regularly through a re-inspection service. This is to ensure that the asbestos-containing materials are in accordance with important health and safety legislation and of course, for your own peace of mind. 

    Asbestos re-inspections could be a suggested course of action in an Asbestos Management Plan if the ACMs are left in situ. The management plan will state how to best control them, and often involve re-inspections to ensure the conditions of ACMs have not deteriorated. 

    Pre-Purchase Asbestos Surveys Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Is it illegal to sell a house which contains asbestos?

    While it is not illegal to sell a property which contains asbestos, its presence must be disclosed if the current owners are aware of it. Failure to disclose this information could inhibit your ability to complete the sale lawfully.

    Should I buy a house with asbestos?

    Though asbestos can be a hazardous material should the ACMs be broken or disturbed, there are some cases where they only need to be regularly inspected if they are in good overall condition and it is safe to leave them in situ. This is why having licensed asbestos contractors conduct an appropriate asbestos survey is important at the pre-purchase stage, as asbestos is sometimes not covered in a general homebuyers survey.

    How do I know which pre-purchase survey I need?

    The best way to know which asbestos survey you require is by getting in touch with our experienced team and we can advise you on which survey is best suited to you.

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