Asbestos Surveys for Education

Asbestos Surveys For Education

Compliant and Thorough Asbestos Surveys For Education Buildings

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    Efficient Asbestos Surveying for the Education Sector

    The Health and Safety Executive notes that “Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were used extensively in the construction of schools and other public buildings from the 1950s.” The Dutyholder of the education building in question is required to have asbestos surveys carried out on their educational premises, as to protect students, staff and employees from the risk of asbestos exposure.

    It is an absolute necessity that you have the correct asbestos survey carried out for your educational facility to fully investigate your asbestos risk. As such, there are many educational figures which need to be aware of the dangers posed by asbestos, such as the headteachers, chancellors, governors, other members of the educational facilities and local authorities. If the Dutyholder fails to uphold their responsibility in managing asbestos compliantly, then steep fines or even imprisonment could be enacted as a result. 

    At Pillars Environmental, we are licensed asbestos consultants who have decades of experience working across both the commercial and domestic aspects of asbestos inspection. We can carry out three types of asbestos surveys for education: Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys (R&D), Asbestos Management Surveys (AMS) and Asbestos Re-Inspections.






    Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys For Education

    Formally called Type 3 asbestos surveys, Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys are needed when more significant works are due to take place within your educational building and any ACMs present are likely to be broken and disturbed. As implied by the name, this could refer to a full or partial refurbishment or demolition of your educational facilities.

    R&D surveys are a more intrusive method of examining the ACMs within your school, college or university. If this is the survey required, it is vital that the educational premises are completely vacated whilst the survey is being undertaken. During our inspection, our experienced asbestos surveyors will sample any suspected ACMs according to the strict guidance as defined by the HSG264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide. Once extracted and packaged safely, we will then send the suspected ACMs on to a UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited laboratory for compliant asbestos testing. It will then be determined whether the sampled materials are indeed asbestos-containing.

    "The duty to manage covers all non-domestic premises. Such premises include all industrial, commercial or public buildings such as factories, warehouses, education, shops, hospitals and schools."

     Asbestos Management Surveys For Education

    By comparison, Asbestos Management Surveys for education require less disruptive methods in order to determine whether asbestos is a threat to those using the educational facilities. Previously known as a Type 2 asbestos survey, this type could be the most compatible with the education environment – especially if the survey needs to be carried out during term time and the building cannot be vacated.  

    While the asbestos sampling methods vary, the processing methods are the same. We only use the most reliable UKAS-accredited labs to process and inspect the samples extracted from education building, guaranteeing accurate results. Depending on the lab results, our licensed asbestos experts can help you to manage any ACMs through an Asbestos Management Plan or other asbestos removal management services. 




    Education Asbestos Re-Inspection Surveys

    We can provide an asbestos re-inspection service should you find you need to regularly inspect the condition of any existing ACMs. If the materials have remained in a good condition, we may advise they remain in situ but are reviewed regularly by an asbestos re-inspection service provider like ourselves. In doing so, we are ensuring the ACMs are aligned with important health and safety legislation, and for your own peace of mind as the Dutyholder. 

    Asbestos re-inspections are frequently advised as a course of action in an Asbestos Management Plan if the ACMs are left in situ. The management plan will detail how to best deal with them within your educational facility, and often involve re-inspection surveys to ensure the conditions of ACMs have not deteriorated since last inspected.

    Asbestos Surveys for Education Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Where is asbestos commonly found in schools/colleges/universities?

    According to the Health and Safety Executive, common places for asbestos to be found include: 

    • asbestos lagging used as thermal insulation on pipes and boilers
    • sprayed asbestos used for thermal insulation, fire protection, partitioning and ducts
    • asbestos-insulating board (AIB) used for fire protection, thermal insulation, partitioning and ducts
    • some ceiling tiles
    • floor tiles
    • cement roofing and guttering
    • textured coatings

    How long will an asbestos survey for my education building take?

    As with many jobs of this nature, the length of an asbestos survey will differ from building to building. This can vary massively whether you are part of a small primary school or a much bigger university campus. To find out a more accurate time scale, get in touch with us today for a free quote.

    How much will it cost to undertake an asbestos survey for my education premises?

    Equally, the cost of an asbestos survey for education will depend on the specific requirements for each individual location. This can often be influenced by where the suspected ACMs are, any specialist equipment needed and several other factors too. The best way to get an idea of pricing is to contact our friendly team today!

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