Asbestos News

It is vital to keep up with the latest asbestos news, updates and advice for those working in the industry, as well as commercial or industrial building dutyholders and individuals who suspect the presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) within their home.

Read all of the latest news, blogs, updates and advice about asbestos here!

Was Asbestos Used In Christmas Decorations?

Was Asbestos Used In Christmas Decorations?

Was asbestos used in Christmas decorations? The short answer is, yes! A famous example of this includes fake asbestos snow, which was used by film studios between the 1930s and 1940s and was produced by brands such as ‘White Magic’, ‘Snow Drift’ and ‘Pure White’.How...

The Importance Of An Asbestos Survey

The Importance Of An Asbestos Survey

The importance of an asbestos survey cannot be understated for dutyholders of commercial, industrial and shared domestic premises, as well as employers. Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations (2012), the responsibility to manage the presence and condition of...

R&D Asbestos Surveys For Older Buildings

R&D Asbestos Surveys For Older Buildings

If you are the dutyholder of a commercial building that was constructed before the year 2000 (before the final ban on asbestos occurred in the UK), or you are planning renovation or demolition works for your premises, read about the importance of R&D asbestos...

Asbestos Surveys for Industrial Buildings

Asbestos Surveys for Industrial Buildings

A potential hazard within industrial workplaces, such as factories and warehouses, is the presence of asbestos or asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). As the dutyholder of such buildings, the protection, health and safety of your staff is a huge priority - as ACMs...

Which Type of Asbestos Survey Do I Need?

Which Type of Asbestos Survey Do I Need?

Especially if you’ve never had to deal with asbestos in any form, knowing where to start with the correct asbestos survey can feel quite daunting. Not only from a legally-compliant standpoint if you’re a building dutyholder, but from a general health and safety...